25 year-old Jimny from Brooklyn New York, currently residing from Santiago in Chile, is the latest electronic producer to come into the online dance scene. Although relatively unknown Jimny has previously delivered a series of free remixes to date, which show his truly magical, clean and impressive production skills. His remix of Flume being his most popular and someone he clearly takes inspiration from through his own works.Jimny originally started out playing in several rock, blues and funk bands as a guitarist, however Jimny then found electronic dance music when he heard xxyyxx self titled album in 2012“When I heard xxyyxx’s album back in 2012 I was totally mind blown by the production value and intricate sounds he used, it inspired me so much that I had to start doing my own productions, I’m still to this day listening to his music and always hearing something new that inspires me” – JimnyJimny’s first single from his forthcoming debut album features UK soul singer ‘Wade’ titled ‘Without You’ which has already gained over 300,000 streams on Spotify and was made a 'Best of 2016' in Spotify's Fresh Finds playlist.Jimny today releases a remix EP featuring PJU & Guardate, Osmo and Ronin along with the original album instrumental version of Without You!